

We will be talking about the Republic of Ghana.

Naoyuki: How was your trip to Ghana?

Nat: It was OK. I was so busy that I couldn't meet most of my friends.

Naoyuki: Why were you so busy?

Nat: I was helping my Father to start a new project for children in the northern part of Ghana.

Naoyuki: That sounds great. Would you mind telling me more about it?

Nat: Well, we are building houses for the orphans in the northern part of the country.

Naoyuki: Wow! That is great. You'll probably end up being the next president of Ghana!!

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ナオユキ: ガーナへの旅行はどうだった?

ナッツ: 良かったよ。忙しくてほとんどの友達に会えなかったけどね。

ナオユキ: 何でそんなに忙しかったの?

ナッツ: ガーナ北部の子供達のための新しいプロジェクトを始めるために、僕のお父さんを手伝っていたんだよ。

ナオユキ: すごそうだね。それについてもう少し教えてもらえる?

ナッツ: うん、僕らは国の北部にいる孤児のための家を建設しているんだ。

ナオユキ: うわぁー。それはすごい。君は多分ガーナの次期大統領になるよ!!



Presented by For B English.

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