We will be talking about how to eat Sushi.
Naoyuki: Did you know how to eat Sushi before coming to Japan? Can you use chopsticks?
Juliana: Yes and no. I was certain that you use chopsticks but I didn`t know that hands can also be used. Well, now I enjoy eating using chopsticks but I had a hard time in the beginning. I just learnt that when using chopsticks to pick communal food, we use the opposite side. Quite interesting!
Naoyuki: Yeah, reversing chopsticks to use the opposite clean end is commonly used to move food from a communal plate. If you do that, Japanese people will be surprised by your japanese manner.
Juliana: Well, I`m on my way to a sushi bar this weekend to show off my acquired skill. How often do you eat sushi? I tend to eat sushi during winter but I have no formula on how to ensure that I frequently have it. Do you have a sushi timetable?
Naoyuki: Well...time table..., I actually don't have a sushi time table. Maybe I go to eat sushi once a month, but it depends on my feeling and how much money I have...
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ナオユキ: 日本に来る前に、お寿司の食べ方って知ってた?お箸は使える?
ジュリアナ: うんと、いいえね。お箸を使うのは知っていたけど、手も使われるなんて知らなかったわ。でも、今はお箸を使いながら食べるのを楽しんでいるけど、始めのころは大変だったわねー。共有の食べ物をお箸を使って取るときに、反対側を使うというのは今知ったわ。かなり面白い!
ナオユキ: うん、お箸を反対にしてきれいな端の部分を使うのは、共有のお皿から食べ物を移動させる時によく使われるね。もし君がそれをやったら、日本の人たちは君の日本のマナーに驚くんじゃないかなー。
ジュリアナ: へー、私、身に付けたスキルを見せびらかすために、今週末にお寿司屋に行くわ。お寿司はどのくらいの頻度で食べる?私は冬場は行きがちだけど、どのくらいの頻度で行くかを決める法則のようなものはないの。お寿司の時間割とかある?
ナオユキ: ええーー、時間割、、、実際のところ、お寿司の時間割はないねー。多分月1では行くけど、僕の感覚や、お金をいくら持っているかによるかな。。。
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