

We will be talking about edible stones.

Naoyuki: I watched a TV program about Kenya yesterday and in a supermarket in Nairobi edible stones were sold. Is that common in Kenya?

Juliana: Well, it's recently becoming more popular to buy these edible stones from the stores but when I was growing up we looked for it in the mountains, hillsides, and other natural places.
It is very nutritious, it is said to have calcium cnd other minerals.

Naoyuki: Oh, really. I want to try it. Do you know if we can get one of those stones in Japan?

Juliana: Unfortunately, in Japan I have never heard of these stones. I will try and bring some for you next time I visit home.

Naoyuki: Thank you very much!

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ナオユキ: 昨日テレビでケニヤのこと見たんだけど、ナイロビのスーパーで食べられる石が売られていたよ。それってケニヤでは当たり前なの?

ジュリアナ: うーん、最近はお店で食べられる石を買うのは人気が出てきたわね。私が育った時期は、山や丘とか自然の場所で探したのよ。とても栄養があって、カルシウムやその他のミネラルがあるって言われているの。

ナオユキ: へー本当。試しに食べてみたいなー。日本でその石を手に入れられるか知ってる?

ジュリアナ: 残念だけど日本ではその石のこと聞いたことないわ。今度家に帰ったら持ってくるようにするわね。

ナオユキ: どうもありがとう!


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2 件のコメント:

匿名 さんのコメント...

I have never heard of edible stone! Wow, it sounds pretty interesting!
I visited Kenya a few years ago. I found many dried fruits (or seeds? ) of Baobab, but I didn't see any edible stones...Ithink. Unfortunately it seems difficult to find those stones in Japan, so I have to visit Kenya again! (or I should join your school someday^^.)

For B English さんのコメント...

Hi Ricola, Thank you for your comment. I`m Juliana.
You could join my school and I will give you more information on edible stones. We believe that these stones make our teeth and bones stronger, maybe thats why many Kenyans can run fast!!!!