

 人気ブログランキングへ←Thank you for your support!!




    ① ホチキス

    ② キーホルダー

    ③ モーニングコール

    ④ アンケート


    ① Stapler

    ② Key Chain

    ③ Wake-up call

    ④ Questionnaire

どうでしたか? 当たり前のように使っている単語でも、英語では違う表現が使われていますね。海外に行くときには気をつけましょう!

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Presented by For B English.

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2 件のコメント:

Charlie さんのコメント...

" モーニングコール " means "morning call" in the UK and Germany too.

I can't see the difference from it.
I think " Wake-up call" in American English are used, instead of " Morning call " used widely in the European countries.

For B English さんのコメント...

Dear Charlie,

Thank you for your comment!

" モーニングコール " here means a telephone call that you arrange to be made, for example in a hotel, to wake you up at a certain time.

In this meaning, a "wake-up call" is used both in the UK and US.

However in east Asia, a "wake-up call" is commonly known as a "morning call." This is an informal expression.

Therefore, in my opinion, a "morning call" or "wake-up call" is used both in the UK and US by different people.

Thank you again for your comment. We hope you continue to check out our blog.

See you next time!
