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There are many slang words used in English. Can you guess the meaning of these slang words?

Today's slang words are

in hot water :  I’ve made a lot of mistakes at work and was late 3 times this week. So, I’m in some hot water recently.

water under the bridge :  
A:"I'm so sorry about what happened last year."
B: "It's Okay. It's water under the bridge.

hot topic 
:  I like reading about  hot topics in the newspaper.

give the cold shoulder : I met my ex-wife at a conference but she gave me the cold shoulder.


in hot water = in trouble

water under the bridge = history / forgotten / forgiven

hot topic = ( popular / important ) issue

give the cold shoulder = ignore / give little attention to someone

Were you able to guess the meanings?

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Presented by For B English.

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