

Today we're talking about alcohol.

Ken: Last night I drank some very delicious shochu. I often drink shochu at home. Do you like to drink?

Yoshiko: Yes. I also like drinking shochu. But since it's so cold recently, I've been mixing my shochu with hot water and pickled plums. It sounds strange but it's tasty and warms you up.

Ken: Yes I've had that before. I drink it sometimes, but I usually drink shochu on ice, even in the winter. I think some really good shochu has a good taste by itself, so I don't want to mix it with anything. My favorite type is sweet potato shochu from the Kagoshima area. Do you have a preference?

Yoshiko: I usually prefer to drink Awamori, from Okinawa. I like it with ice and water, because it's so strong. Can I ask what is your favorite kind of alcohol to drink?

Ken: It depends on which country I am in. If I'm in Japan, I like sweet potato schochu best, but in the US I prefer to drink micro-brew beer. Also, in my area of the US, Seattle, there are many brew pubs, where we can drink many unique beers that is made in the pub.

Yoshiko: Really. I've never heard of such a place. Sounds good. I'd like to try that sometime.


ケン: 昨日の夜とてもおいしい焼酎飲んだんだ。家で結構焼酎飲むんだよね。飲むのは好き?

ヨシコ: うん、私も焼酎飲むの好きよ。でも最近は寒いから、梅のお湯割りが好きね。ちょっと変に聞こえるかもしれないけど、おししくて、体が暖まるわよ。

ケン: うん聞いたことある。お湯割りは時々飲むけど、僕は冬でも大体ロックで飲むね。本当に良い焼酎はそれだけで良い味だから、何も混ぜたくないなー。僕の一番好きなのは、鹿児島の芋焼酎。何か好きなものある?

ヨシコ: 私は沖縄の泡盛が好きね。強いから水と氷で割ってね。アルコールだと何が好きなの?

ケン: 僕がどの国にいるかによるね。日本にいるなら芋焼酎、アメリカなら地ビールかな。僕のいたアメリカのシアトルには醸造パブがたくさんあって、そこで作られた特徴のあるたくさんのビールを飲めるんだ。

ヨシコ: へー、そんな場所聞いたことない。でも良い感じね。いつか行ってみたいわ。

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