We will be talking about Setsubun.
Naoyuki: In Japan, Setsubun is the day before the beginning of each season. The name literally means "seasonal division", but usually the term refers to the spring Setsubun. On this day, people throw beans while shouting "Fortune in and demons out." Do you throw beans in your house?
John: Yeah, but everyone always throws the beans at me as they shout, "Oni wa soto!" Which I know that means demon, get out.
People also eat a large sushi roll at Setsubun don't they?
Naoyuki: Yeah, we eat maki-zushi on the day. We also eat the number of beans equivalent to their age to wish for health.
John: Is there some special reason for eating maki-zushi? Usually it is cut into pieces but for Setsubun it is more like eating a large poor boy sandwich, why is that?
Naoyuki: Well, that's a difficult question. I don't know the reason, but those living in the Kansai region eat rolled sushi for good luck, while facing the year's auspicious direction.
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ナオユキ: 日本では、節分は各季節の始まりの前日なんだ。名前は文字通り、季節を分けることを意味している。まあ大抵その言葉は春の節分を指しているけどね。節分の日、人々は「福は内、鬼は外」って叫びながら豆をまくんだ。家で豆まきしている?
ジョン: うん、でもみんないつも「鬼は外」って言って、僕に豆を投げてくるんだよ。意味は鬼は出て行けって知ってるよ。
ナオユキ: うん、その日に巻き寿司を食べるね。僕らは健康を願って、自分の歳の数だけ豆
ジョン: 巻き寿司を食べる特別な理由はあるの?普通は細かく切って出されるのに、節分の時は大きなプアボーイサンドイッチを食べるみたいだよね。何でなの?
ナオユキ: うーん、難しい質問です。理由は知らないんだけど、関西地方の人々は幸運を願って、その年のめでたい方角を向きながら、巻きずしを食べるということですね。
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