

We will be talking about Gejigeji.

David: I saw a strange creature yesterday while I was out walking with my wife. She said it was a "gejigeji". Do you know what that is?

Naoyuki: Of course I know it. A long time ago when I went to catch beetles in the local wooded area, I sometimes used to see them. They're disgusting.

David: I think they're kind of cute, and my wife said they eat cockroaches, so they can't be all bad!

Naoyuki: I don't think they're cute... But that's the first time I've heard they eat cockroaches. They're good for something then.

David: Yes, why not keep a few as pets?

Naoyuki: Nobody will come to my house any more.

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デーヴィッド: 昨日上さんと 出かけている時に変な生き物を見たんだよ。上さんは「ゲジゲジ」って言ってたけど。何か知ってる?

ナオユキ: もちろん知っているよ。昔地元の雑木林にカブトムシやクワガタを取りに言った時、時々見たよ。気持ち悪いよね。

デーヴィッド: 僕は何か可愛く思うな。上さんは彼らはゴキブリを食べるって言ってたから、すべてが悪いってわけじゃないよ!

ナオユキ: 僕は可愛いとは思わないけど。。。でもゴキブリを食べるなんて初めて聞いたよ。良いこともしてるんだね。

デーヴィッド: うん、ペットとして何匹か飼ってみれば。

ナオユキ: 誰も家に来なくなるよ。


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