

We will be talking about the first snow.

Naoyuki: We got our first snow this week in Yokohama.

Caroline: Oh, yeah, but it didn't last. I heard that it hardly snows in Kanto region. I was in Gifu two weeks ago and it snowed heavily. It was so beautiful.

Naoyuki: Oh, really. I have never been to Gifu. Did you play with snow?

Caroline: Yes, we did. It was a lot of fun. We all looked like kids, throwing snowballs at each other. It was also one of our friend's birthday so we gave him a snow bath. Poor guy !!

Naoyuki: That sounds like bullying...

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ナオユキ: 今週横浜で初雪が降ったね。

カロライン: ええ、そうね。でも続かなかったわね。私関東では雪はほとんど降らないって聞いたけど。2週間前に岐阜にいたんだけど、雪がすごく降ってたわ。とてもきれいだった。

ナオユキ: へー本当。僕は岐阜に行ったことがないよ。雪で遊んだ?

カロライン: ええ、遊んだわよ。とっても面白かった。私達みんな子供みたいだったわ。雪玉をお互いに投げ合ってね。友達の1人が誕生日だったんだけど、だから私達は彼に雪風呂をあげたのよ。可哀想な男!!

ナオユキ: いじめみたいだよ。。。


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