

This week, we will be discussing "May blues".

Naoyuki: It's May, isn't it? Do you know about what we call "May blues"?

David: No, what's that?

Naoyuki: It's a mental disorder that is often seen in May in Japan. In Japan April is the season of change, and some people can't adapt themselves to the new environment. So those people feel uncomfortable and depressed and finally lose their drive. Is there any such disorder in Britain?

David: No, but we have something else which we call Seasonal Affective Disorder, or SAD. This is common in most North European countries - especially in the British Isles and Scandinavia. It is brought about because in those countries in winter it becomes dark very early - for instance, in Britain it starts growing dark at 3.30 p.m. in December. This causes people to become depressed and to lose the will to work, and we call the phenomenon Seasonal Affective Disorder.

Nowadays people try to cure it by putting "light boxes" in their workplace or bedroom. These boxes emit natural light during the early evening, so people feel as if it is still light outside and don't feel so depressed.

A light box

Naoyuki: I see. We feel comfortable in the sunshine. In Japan the rainy season starts in June. So we can not get enough light during that time. We feel we need more light!!! "May blues" is a little different from SAD. It is said that sufferers need some change from their usual routine, for example meeting with old friends from junior high or high school. I think they can rediscover themselves by doing such a thing. Speaking with non-Japanese people may also have such an effect!









Presented by For B English.


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