

This week we will be discussing alcohol.

Yoshiko: So anyway, you like a drink or two, don't you?

David: Yeah, I drink pretty much every day. Usually I have a glass of red wine or a can of beer, but I like all kinds of alcohol. How about you?

Yoshiko: You like all kinds of alcohol! Wow. I drink almost every day too, but I don't like whiskey very much. Recently I've gotten into something called "kotsuzake". Do you know it? It's hot sake which you put an entire stone-grilled fish into and then drink. You don't eat the fish, though. Do they have something like that in other countries?

David: In Mexico they drink something called Mezcal which has a maggot inside. They say if you eat the maggot after drinking the Mezcal you will have hallucinations!

Yoshiko: I'd like to try it someday, but it looks pretty strong. They say that Japanese people are lightweights when it comes to alcohol. Are you a good drinker?

David: Average, I suppose. In Britain we use the phrase "I know my limit." It means, I know how much I can drink in order to feel good without being too drunk.



ヨシコ: ところで、デーヴィッドはお酒が好きだったよね?

デーヴィッド: うん、毎日結構飲んでるよ。だいたい赤ワインかビールを一、二杯を飲むんだけど、お酒なら何でも好きだよ。ヨシコは?

ヨシコ: 何でも好き?すごい!!私も好きで毎日のように飲むけど、ウィスキーはあまり飲まないかなぁ。最近、マニアックなものにはまっていて、骨酒ってあるんだけど知ってる?熱燗に、焼いた岩魚を丸ごと入れて飲むんだけど・・・魚自体は食べないの。こういうのって、他の国にもあるのかしら?

デーヴィッド: メキシコには、メズカルというお酒があって、かぶと

ヨシコ: すごい・・・機会があれば飲んでみたいけど、相当強いお酒なんでしょうね。日本人は比較的アルコールの分解能力が弱いと言われているけど、やはり、デーヴィッドはお酒強いんでしょう? 

デーヴィッド: 普通だと思うよ。イギリスには、「自分の限度わかる」という言い方があるんだけど、その意味はどのくらい飲めば酔い潰れないで、良い気分になれるかを知っているということなんだ。

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