

Today, we will be discussing male chauvinism.

Yoshiko: You have a word for teishukampaku in English..."Male chauvinism", right? In Japan, even though it's a little out-of-date, it's still a word people use.

David: In Britain it's quite out-of-date too. You don't often hear people use the word "male chauvinist" any more. Nowadays men and women are supposed to be equal, and men are expected to help with the housework just as women are expected to have a job even after getting married.

Yoshiko: That's a very liberated view of things, I think. Japanese men aren't very good at helping with housework, although I suppose some men help out with it. That's because there is no custom of Japanese men helping with housework.

David: Maybe it was the same in Britain years ago when men worked and women stayed at home. But nowadays women work almost as much as men, so it's only fair that men should do some of the housework too. I was brought up to always wash the dishes after eating, and I had to dust and do cleaning every other day. I never cleaned my own room, though! My mother told me "That's your responsibility," so I never did it.


ヨシコ: 英語でも亭主関白という言葉があるのね・・・。Male chauvinismていうの?日本では、ちょっと古臭いイメージがありながらも、今も使われている言葉なの。

デーヴィッド: イギリスでもちょっと古臭いイメージがあるよ。この時代に、あんまり「Male Chauvinism」という言葉は聞かないしね。今は、男女平等の時代なので、男性は家事労働の手伝いをするべきだし、女性は結婚した後でも仕事をするべきじゃないかな。

ヨシコ: そうね。それはとても男女平等な意見だと思うわ。家事って、日本人の男性はあまり得意じゃないみたい、なかにはやる人もいるらしいけど。多分、習慣がないのよね。

デーヴィッド: 多分イギリスもそうだったよ。昔男性は仕事に行って、女性は家に居たからね。でも今は女性も仕事に行くので、男性が家事の手伝いをするのは公平で当たり前の話なんだよね。僕は子供の時から毎日お皿を洗わせられていたし、家の掃除もさせられた。でも自分の部屋は全然やらなかったけどね。お母さんが「任せる」って言ったから。

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