

This week, we will be discussing anime.

Naoyuki: There are a lot of Japanese anime programmes that are broadcast in other countries, such as "Dragon Ball", "Doraemon", "Captain Tsubasa", etc. Did you watch Japanese anime programmes in your childhood?

David: I can't remember watching anything in particular, except for some Spanish animations that were produced in conjunction with a Japanese company. One of these was called Around the World with Willy Fog and another was Dogtanian and the Three Muskethounds. I think Japanese anime shows were more popular in mainland Europe and in the US than they were in the UK.

Naoyuki: I may have just seen them, but I can't remember very well. I heard that many football players in Europe watched "Captain Tsubasa" and thought it was cool, but wondered how a Japanese player came to be able to do the things he could do. That's a fair point, but it's anime after all...

David: There is a famous comic character in Britain called Roy of the Rovers. I think he's pretty similar to Captain Tsubasa. The comic ran every week from 1954 to 1993 - almost 40 years! The main character was called Roy Race and he played for a team called Melchester Rovers. Every week he would do a special shot called "Roy's Rocket" which would always result in a goal. He played until he was in his 40's, and then he took over as manager of the club. Here he is in 1980:

Naoyuki: That seems similar to Captain Tsubasa. He also had a special shot called "Drive shot". I think children need a superhero like Roy or Tsubasa so that they become the adults they want to be.


ナオユキ: 「ドラゴンボール」、「ドラえもん」、「キャプテン翼」など、海外で放送されている日本のアニメはたくさんあります。小さいころ日本のアニメって見てた?

デーヴィッド: 特にこれと言ったものは思い出せないんだけど、スペインのアニメで日本企業と共同して作られたものだけは思い出せるね。1つが、「アニメ80日間世界一周」で、もう1つが「ワンワン三銃士」。日本のアニメはヨーロッパ本土やアメリカのほうが、イギリスよりも人気が高いと思うけどね。

ナオユキ: 見たことはあるかもしれないなー、でもよく思い出せない。多くのヨーロッパのサッカー選手は「キャプテン翼」を見て、かっこいいって思ったって聞いたけどね。でもどうして日本人があんなことができるのかとも。それは正しいけど、アニメだからね。。。

イギリスに「ローバーズのロイ」という有名な漫画があるんだけど、それが キャプテン翼にかなり似ていると思うね。その漫画は1954年から1993年までほとんど40年間もやっていたんだ!主役は、ロイ・レースと言って、メルチェスター・ローバーズというチームでプレイしていた。毎週「ロイロケット」という必ず決まる特別なシュートを打ってね。彼は40代までプレイして、それからクラブのマネージャーになったんだ。これは1980年のもの。

ナオユキ: キャプテン翼みたいだね。彼も「ドライブシュート」という特別なシュートを持っていたよ。子供達にはロイや翼みたいなスーパーヒーローは必要だと思うね。その後、彼らはなりたい大人になっていくからね。

Presented by For B English.

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