

Today we'll talk about swimming.

Yoshiko: It's hot, isn't it? Do you like the beach? I love looking at the sea and swimming. Even better if it's a beautiful place.

David: Me too. I grew up by the sea so I like going to the beach, and fishing and sailing. It's important to live by the sea, for me. I don't like being stuck in the middle of a big city. How about you? Did you grow up by the sea? 

Yoshiko: Sounds nice! I was born in Tokyo and have been living in Yokohama for a long time. It takes about an hour to get to the beach. I usually go about once a year. There aren't many nice beaches around here, but if you go a little bit farther away there are some, or you can go to Okinawa. Are there lots of nice beaches in Britain?

David: Yes, there are lots, but they are pretty cold most of the year, so you can only go swimming on very warm days in summer. I like wild-looking beaches when there are no people around, so I like to go to ones in Scotland.

Yoshiko: Oh well, maybe someday I'll be able to visit Scotland...


ヨシコ: もう夏ね~、海は好き?私は見るのも泳ぐのも大好き、きれいな所ならなお嬉しいわ。

デーヴィッド: 僕もだよ。海のそばにある町で育てられたからビーチに行ったり、釣りしたり、船に乗ったりするのは好き。海の近くに住むのが僕には大切なんだ。大きな町の中に閉じて込められるのは嫌い。ヨシコは?海の近くで育った?

ヨシコ: いいわね~。私は東京で生まれて、横浜が長いけど、ここからは海まで車で1時間かかるの。


デーヴィッド: 多いけど、やっぱり寒いから夏の暖かい日しか泳げないね。僕はちょっとワイルドで人がいないところが好きなんだ、だからスコットランドのビーチに行くのが好き。

ヨシコ: じゃあ、いつかスコットランドの海に行ける日を夢見て・・・

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