Today we will be talking about insects.
David: Last night some sort of weird creature came into our apartment. It was like a worm, but flat, with a head like a hammerhead shark. It was about 30 cm long and 5mm wide, and it was exuding some sort of slime. Do you know what it was?
Yoshiko: I wonder!? I've never seen anything like that. But I was a tomboy when I was a kid, so I used to catch insects with a net.
David: What were your favourite kind of insects?
Yoshiko: I liked pretty butterflies, and bees - the ones without stings. What about you?
David: I think British kids often play with frogs. We used to take frogspawn from the local pond, and keep it in a tank until the eggs hatched. Then we'd watch the tadpoles turn into frogs. Did you know that tadpoles are cannibalistic? The big ones eat their little brothers and sisters!
Yoshiko: I didn't know that, but I know crayfish eat each other. Recently people have started to discover poisonous spiders in Japan. They say it's because of global warming.
David: Japan has lots of strange creatures. Probably because it's so hot and humid in summer. Big centipedes and praying mantis and so on. None of those things live in Britain. The worst we get are slugs.
デーヴィッド: 夕べ何か得体のしれない生き物がアパートに入り込んだんだ。ミミズみたいだったけど、平面で、頭がシュモクザメのようだった。体長が30センチぐらいで、幅が5ミリ、しかもドロドロしてた。何だか知ってる?
ヨシコ: なんだろう?見たことないけど・・・私、かなりおてんばだったから子供のころ色々な虫を網で捕まえたりしたけど。
デーヴィッド: どんな虫が一番好きだった?
ヨシコ: うーん。きれいな蝶や蜂の仲間でも針をもってないものとかね。デーヴィッドはどう?
デービッド: イギリス人の子供はよく蛙と遊んでいるよ。蛙の卵を池から取ってきて、卵が孵化するまで水槽に入れて、オタマジャクシが蛙になるのを見ているんだ。オタマジャクシが共食い性であるのって知ってた?大きなのは、妹や弟を食べるんだ。
ヨシコ: 共食い?知らなかったわ!ざりがにとかは有名だけど。最近日本でも、毒蜘蛛がたくさん見つかったり、温暖化のせいで変わって来た気がするわね。
デービッド: 日本には変な虫がたくさん居るね。多分夏は蒸し暑いからかな。でかいムカデとやカマキリとかね。イギリスにはそういうのはいない。一番悪いのはナメクジ位かな?
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