

This entry will be about pets.

Yoshiko: Dogs are so cute, recently I've been wanting to get one, but we're not allowed to in our apartment. Do you have any pets?

David: No, our apartment has rules against that too. A few years ago my wife (although she was my girlfriend then) was keeping a kind of fish called 'koppi'. She had six at first, and gradually they reproduced - I think there are about fifty of them now! Her father is into tropical fish so he's keeping them. Do you have any pets?

Yoshiko: I like tropical fish too. People are always surprised to hear it but I have a turtle. He's so easy to look after. When I was a kid we had chicks, ducks, parrots and stuff, but the duck is the hardest to forget. It was so cute!

David: Do ducks lay eggs, like chickens? My mother likes birds, so she keeps canaries and budgies and the like. They often escape or get eaten by the cat, though!

Yoshiko: I hear the eggs are good, but I felt so sorry for the duck, I couldn't eat them.

David: Yeah, duck eggs are really nice. When I was a kid we often used to get duck and goose eggs from the local farm. They're delicious!






デーヴィッド: アヒルって鶏見たいに卵を産むの?僕のお母さんはカナリアやセキセイインコを飼ってるけど、よく逃げるし、猫に食べられるんだ。


デーヴィッド: うん、美味しいよ。子供の頃、近くにあった牧場からアヒルや鵞鳥の卵をもらって食べてたんだよ。美味いよ!

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