

Today we'll discuss obon.

Yoshiko: It's so hot! Are you going to go back to your home town this summer?

David: No, I can't get time off work. What about you?

Yoshiko: If you can't take a long break you can't go home, can you? My home town is really close so there's no obon trip for me to take! I often think it would be nice to have grown up in the countryside so I could have somewhere to go back to. That way I could take a nice relaxing holiday.

David: Yes, my wife is from Tohoku so we often go back there each summer. It's a great place to relax by the beach. Don't you have plans to go abroad somewhere?

Yoshiko: Actually my passport has expired! What do British people do for obon?

David: There is no obon in Britain. We don't have that sort of custom, because it's a Christian country. For us, the most important time to return home is Christmas. During summer we usually just go on holiday abroad.

Yoshiko: Oh, that's right. It's a long time until Christmas!




デーヴィッド: そうね、僕の妻が東北出身だからよくお盆休みに帰ってる。海のそばでのんびりするんだ。今年は海外旅行は行かないの? 


デーヴィッド: イギリスにはお盆はないよ。イギリスはキリスト教の国だからそういう習慣がなくて、帰省するときはクリスマスなんだよ。夏休みには、海外旅行をするね。


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