

Today we'll talk about autumn reading.

Yoshiko: It's gotten cooler recently, hasn't it? It's much nicer at night times. I like reading before bed. Recently I've been reading a set of books all written by the same writer. What kind of books do you like?

David: I'll read anything. I like all kinds of books. When I was younger I used to read novels all the time, but recently I mostly read non-fiction, for example books about history or biology. So tell me about this writer who you've been reading lately.

Yoshiko: I've only just started... but it's about Japanese people who pay a lot of money to buy farmland in Brazil, so that they can go there and have rich and successful lives, but it turns out when they arrive in Brazil that the land is no good, so there's no way they can make a success out of it. Then lots of people get sick and die, and the people who are left are thinking about going back to Japan and getting revenge. That's as far as I've got.

David: Sounds interesting. I wonder what will happen at the end? I've always wanted to go to Brazil. I read a book about Brazilian history last year; it was about the quilombos. When Brazil was a Portuguese colony, they imported lots of slaves to Brazil from Africa. Those slaves would run away if they could, and would set up towns in the jungle where they mixed with the Indians. Those towns were called quilombos. Some of the towns are still around today, although of course there are no slaves there anymore.

Yoshiko: I'm sure it's an interesting read. I have to study more!







デーヴィッド: 面白そうだね。結局どうなるのかなー?いつかブラジルに行きたいなあ。去年ブラジルの歴史についての本を読んだんだけど、クイロンボについて書かれてたんだ。ブ ラジルがポルトガルの植民地であった時、沢山の奴隷がアフリカからブラジルに行かせられてね。その奴隷が逃げだして、逃げ切った後に、森の中のアマゾ ンの民族と一緒に村を作ったんだ。その村はクイロンボと呼ばれてて、今もいくつかあるみたいだよ。もちろん奴隷制度はなくなったけどね!


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