
Today we'll talk about dreams.

Yoshiko: Last night I don't know what I was dreaming but I was woken up by the sound of my own laughter. But I can't remember what I was dreaming about! Do you dream a lot?

David: There are times when I dream a lot and times when I don't dream at all. Probably when I have a lot on my mind I have dreams. Can you remember one you've had lately?

Yoshiko: I had a dream about going abroad recently. I got lost, and then couldn't work out why I was there. Afterwards, I thought that it was probably to do with the book I was reading at the time. Are you interested in dream interpretation? I heard that it's actually a good thing if you have dreams about being chased, or killing people, or teeth falling out, when you're in a difficult or unstable situation.

David: I don't believe in dream interpretation. But my sister does. She believes everything dream interpreters say. Around the time she met her fiancee, she went to a dream interpreter and was told "You'll marry your new boyfriend."

Yoshiko: I don't really believe in them either, although I suppose I believe in the good things they say! There are some people who write down every dream they have in a dream diary... but I'm not that anal. I wonder what I'll dream tonight?



デーヴィッド: よく見る時と全然見ない時もあるよ。多分いろいろ考えてると夢を見るね。最近見た夢覚えてる?


デーヴィッド: 夢占いとかは信じないね、実は。でもお姉さんは興味あるみたいで、占い師がいうことを真剣に聞く。たとえば、最近婚約したんだけど、彼氏にあった後すぐに占い師のところに行って、「そのさっき会った彼氏が旦那になる」と言われたそうだ。


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