
Today's entry is about nabe.

Yoshiko: It's getting colder isn't it. Winter is nabe season. What kind of nabe do you have in Britain?

David: Britain doesn't have different kinds of nabe - we just put in whatever we like, although I think each region has its own specialty maybe. There are lots of varieties in Japan, aren't there?

Yoshiko: 'Nandemoyatteminabe'?! Yes, we have lots of kinds of nabe. Sukiyaki, mizutaki, kimchi, chanko, and so on... I like kimchi the best, I think. What kind of nabe do you like?

David: I like kimchi nabe too. But maybe chanko nabe is the best. I can become a sumo wrestler!

Yoshiko: Haha. Salty chanko nabe is the best. It might be tough for you to become a sumo wrestler... But chanko nabe is full of goodness so it's healthy eating. Nabe seems like it's very good for you, but I don't think it makes you fat, so I've always wondered why sumo wrestlers eat it?

David: I think that's because they drink a lot of beer.



デーヴィッド: イギリスの鍋は、種類とかがなくて、なんでも入れるって感じだよ。でも多分それぞれの地方で自分の鍋があると思うよ。日本はいろんな種類があるよね。



ヨシコ :ハハハ。ちゃんこはやはり塩がいいわ~力士になるには・・・ちょっと難しいけど栄養はいっぱいで体にいいでしょうね!鍋ってヘルシーだから太らない気がするのにどうして力士が食べるのかなぁ?と前から疑問だったんだけど・・・

デーヴィッド: ビールをたくさん飲んでると思うよ、きっと。

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