

Today's entry is about birthday .

David: Today's your birthday isn't it? I can't ask you how old you are though, can I? What are your plans?

Yoshiko: Even though birthday's come and go I've decided I'm not going to get any older, so I've forgotten. Maybe I'll start going backwards. Anyway nowadays birthdays aren't so different from ordinary days - it's not like when I was a kid. Maybe we'll just go out for dinner, but saying that, I always cook dinner so even just going out feels special. Although I like people calling and emailing me to give their congratulations.

David: As you get older birthdays get less enjoyable, don't they? So I don't usually tell people about my birthdays - although I do like to get presents.

Yoshiko: Yes, that's right, you didn't tell anyone about your birthday last time - you just worked as normal. One of your students wrote 'Happy Birthday' on a feedback sheet so that's how I found out. You can still celebrate though, can't you?

David: Maybe as an anniversary? Anyway, I haven't said happy birthday yet, have I? So happy birthday! I hope you have a great day.

デーヴィッド: 今日誕生日だよね?何歳になるかなんて聞けないよね。。何かプランはあるの?


デーヴィッド: 年取ると誕生日ってうれしくないよね?だからあまり、誕生日は公表しないんだ。でも、プレゼントをもらえるのは嬉しいけど!



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