

Today we'll be talking about how to eat Natto.

Naoyuki: David doesn't like Natto. How about you, Juliana? Are there any foods like Natto in Kenya?

Juliana: I don`t mind Natto but its not among my favorite foods. Well, in Kenya we have a green vegetable that is slimy like Natto but we have no beans per se that are similar to Natto. I have always wondered if Natto truly helps cut weight or is it just a stereotype?

Naoyuki: Well,,, we can get vegetable protein from Natto, not animal protein.
So that seems healthy, but I'm not sure we can cut our weight, actually. I guess If you eat only Natto and rice everyday, you probably cut your weight.

Juliana: Mmm... The protein content of Natto is questionable??????? Do we have to eat Natto with rice only? Can we substitute or complement the rice with something else?

Naoyuki: I think the vegatable content can replace the animal protein, but eating only Natto and rice is not fun. I usually eat Natto with a raw egg. That is great. We can also add some dried bonito flakes or grated radish, etc. Just try it out!


ナオユキ: デーヴィッドは納豆好きじゃないけど、ジュリアナはどう?ケニヤには納豆みたいな食べ物はあるの?

ジュリアナ: 私は特に気にならないけど、大好物ではないわ。うーん、ケニヤでは納豆みたいにねばねばした緑黄色野菜はあるわね。それ自体は納豆みたいに豆ではないけど。私いつも疑問に思ってたんだけど、納豆で本当に痩せられるの?それともそれって固定観念?

ナオユキ: うーん。納豆からは動物性たんぱく質ではなくて、植物性たんぱく質が得られるから、健康には良さそうだね。でも、実際痩せられるかは分からないなー。毎日納豆とご飯だけ食べていたら多分痩せられると思うけどね。

ジュリアナ: うーーん。納豆のたんぱく質ってなんか疑わしいわ???納豆をご飯とだけで食べないといけないの?何か他に代わりになるものとか、補うものってないの?

ナオユキ: 植物性たんぱく質は動物性たんぱく質の代わりになると思うんだけど、納豆とご飯だけだと面白くないね。僕はいつも納豆に生卵を混ぜて食べるよ。すごく良いんだ。鰹節や大根おろしなども

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