

This entry is about Winter Vacation.

Naoyuki: It's about time for the winter vacation. Do you have any plan for the vacation?

Juliana: I have heard a lot about what people do during their winter vacation. I would like to attend the winter festival in Hokkaido next February. I also want to ski but I have no skiing skills........

Naoyuki: Sounds good. I have been to the winter festival in Sapporo. That was so beautiful. You should go there. As for skiing you will fall over again and again at the beginning, but if you practice you can ski soon. You will experience more thrills and exhilaration during the time.

Juliana: Ooh no!! you mean I have to practice skiing before I go to Hokkaido? I might need some lessons to avoid tripping during my vacation. How long does it take to learn how to ski?

Naoyuki: You can take some lessons in Hokkaido at that time. If you have excellent reflexes, you will be able not to fall over soon...
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ナオユキ: もうすぐ冬休みだけど、何か計画立ててる?

ジュリアナ: 冬休みに他の人が何するかいろいろ聞いたけど、来年2月の北海道雪祭りに参加したいわ。スキーもやりたいんだけど、スキーは全然できないの。

ナオユキ: いいねー。札幌の雪祭りは行ったことがあるよ。すごくきれいだから行くべきだね。スキーに関しては、最初は何度も何度も転ぶんだろうね。でも練習すればすぐに滑れるようになるよ。そしたらスリルと爽快感をもっと味わうことができるよ。

ジュリアナ: えーやだー。北海道に行く前に練習しないといけないの?休み中に転ばないようにレッスンが必要そうね。滑り方を習うのにどのくらいかかるの?

ナオユキ: 北海道に行ったときにレッスンを受けられるよ。運動神経がめちゃくちゃ良ければ、すぐに転ばないようにはなるかな。。


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