

We will be talking about sushi restaurants.

Naoyuki: Tell me Warren, what's your favourite Japanese food?

Warren: Good question. There's a lot of good stuff to choose from, but I'd have to say sushi is probably my favourite. Especially Toro.

Naoyuki: Yeah, Sushi is popular in other countries, isn't it?

Warren: Big time. Especially in Vancouver. I'm convinced that there are more sushi restaurants per capita in Vancouver than in Tokyo.

Naoyuki: No way.

Warren: No really. My old workplace was within walking distance of at least 5 sushi restaurants.

Naoyuki: Wow! Canadians must really like sushi.  What do you think is the reason?

Warren: Well, I think it's because Japanese people have been in Vancouver for a long time. They brought Sushi over a long time ago and over time it became popular among the local people. Thanks Japan!

Related entries:
"Sushi" with John: http://forbnews.blogspot.com/2009/01/blog-post_21.html
"How to eat Sushi" with Juliana: http://forbnews.blogspot.com/2009/02/blog-post_15.html

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ナオユキ: ウォーレン、日本食で気に入っているもの教えてよ。

ウォーレン: 良い質問です。たくさん良いものがあるんだけど、多分お寿司が特に好きだね。特にトロね。

ナオユキ: うーん、お寿司は他の国でも人気があるよね?

ウォーレン: とてもね。特に、バンクーバーでは。1人当たりにすると、バンクーバーのほうが東京よりも絶対お寿司屋さん多いよ。

ナオユキ: うそだー。

ウォーレン: いや、本当。前の仕事場から歩ける距離で、少なくとも5軒はお寿司屋さんがあったよ。

ナオユキ: おー!カナダの人は本当にお寿司が好きみたいだね。何でだと思う?

ウォーレン: うーん、僕は、長い間日本人がバンクーバーにいるからだと思うけど。彼らが昔お寿司を持ってきて、時間が経つに連れ、地元の人にも人気が出たと。ありがとう日本!

"お寿司" with ジョン: http://forbnews.blogspot.com/2009/01/blog-post_21.html
"お寿司の食べ方" with ジュリアナ: http://forbnews.blogspot.com/2009/02/blog-post_15.html


Presented by For B English.

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