

We will be talking about Halloween.

Nat: Wow! I can't believe Halloween is coming soon. Time really flies.

Naoyuki: Yeah! It seems like yesterday when we had the Halloween party last year. What are your plans for this year's Halloween?

Nat: I'll be going for a party with my friends and I'm thinking of my costume for this year. Of course I don't want to be a wizard again this year.

Naoyuki: Oh! So dressed as a wizard last year?

Nat: Yes, I did. Actually my friend made that costume for me and I didn't really feel comfortable in it. I just lost the rock-paper-scissors...

Naoyuki: How about this year?

Nat: Since this is a party with my friends, we can freely choose the costume. I'm going to be a Vampire and win the Best Costume Award! Ha ha ha ha!

Related entries:
"Halloween" with David: http://forbnews.blogspot.com/2009/10/blog-post_21.html

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ナッツ: うぁー!もうすぐハロウィーンだなんて信じられないなー。本当時間経つの早い。

ナオユキ: うん!去年ハロウィーンパーティやったのが昨日のようだよ。今年のハロウィーンは何か予定はあるの?

ナッツ: 友達とパーティに行くことになってて、今年の衣装を考えているところ。もちろん今年も魔法使いなんてやだけどね。

ナオユキ: えっ!じゃあ去年は魔法使いの衣装着たんだ?

ナッツ: うん、そうだよ。実は僕の友達が衣装を作ってくれたんだけど、あんまり心地よくなかったんだよね。ただ、ジャンケンに負けちゃってさ。。。

ナオユキ: 今年はどうするの?

ナッツ: 今回は友達とのパーティだから、衣装は自由に選べるんだ。僕は吸血鬼になって、最優秀仮装賞を取ります!はっはっはっは。

"ハロウィーン" with デーヴィッド: http://forbnews.blogspot.com/2009/10/blog-post_21.html



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